Association for Biodiversity Conservation and Rural Development

Our Approach

Our mission will be achieved through a series of activities under the different programmes that will be implemented in collaboration with key stakeholders.  These include:





Biodiversity Conservation Programme (BCP)

Ensure the protection of wildlife species and their habitat

By 2025 at least 3 protected areas are supported for sustainable management

–          Carry out surveys and monitoring of the protected areas

–          Carry out wildlife research

–          Assist in boundary opening, tracing and demarcation

–          Community sensitization

–          Recruit national  and international volunteers to support research and ecotourism

Ensure restoration of degraded landscape

By 2025 at least 10 degraded water catchment, and forest in project areas are restored.

–          Setting up of tree nurseries,

–          Identify and Planting of environmental friendly tree in water catchments degraded areas in collaboration with stakeholders.

Regulate the unsustainable hunting and fishing of threatened wildlife and fresh water and marine species

By 2025 Unsustainable  hunting of and fishing of threatened wildlife and fresh water and marine species is reduced

–          Sensitization on illegal poaching and unsustainable fishing practices,

–          Creation  and support local community governance structures to  regulate illegal hunting of wildlife and unsustainable fishing practices

–          Establish a comprehensive database of species harvested

Rural Community and Livelihood Development  programme


Support rural community through development and alternative livelihood options

By 2025 local communities adjacent to at least 3 protected areas and unprotected forest will be supported with prioritized livelihood and economic development options.

–          Setup a sustainable community development model,

–          Identify and prioritized alternative livelihood and economic options in target communities,

–          Support alternative livelihood option prioritized by the target communities.

–          Sensitize community members on value added chain of agricultural and Non Timber Forest Products.

Ensure the promotion  of fair and equitable sharing of the benefit arising from the utilization of genetic resources

By 2025 communities around key project sites will be aware on fair and equitable sharing of the benefit arising from the utilization of genetic resources.

–          Sensitization of communities on the Assess and Benefit Sharing  Initiative,


By2025 at least one genetic resources will be identified and value chain developed

–          Identify  natural resources for ABS

–          Training of community members on the sourcing, production and preservation of the resources.

Environmental Education and Community Outreach programme


Promote sustainable environmental  protection in schools and communities

By 2025 Schools  and communities are our project sites are equipped with the necessary skills and tools to ensure sustainable environment protection

–          Celebrate World International Days of Wildlife, Biodiversity and Environmental related events

–          Create and strengthened environmental clubs,

–          Involves students in outdoor environmental protection activities,  

–          Support schools on environmental related activities carried out by clubs

–          Support schools with basic infrastructures and tools.



Ensure volunteerism of project activities.

By 2025, at least 100 national and international volunteers are recruited to support organizational programmes.

–          Recruit national and international volunteers to support programmes and project of the organization.

Humanitarian programme


Protect and respond to people affected by conflict, natural and man-made disasters.


Affected people from conflict, natural and man-made disasters are responded to and protected.

–          Carry out rapid protection monitoring assessment.

–          Record individual incident of affected groups.

–          Provide humanitarian assistance such as food, water, medical supplies and shelter to people affected by conflict, man-made and natural disasters.

–          Support orphanages with basic needs and scholarships for orphans.

–          Support widows and women with income generation activities.