Association for Biodiversity Conservation and Rural Development

Improving Vegetable Production In South West Region Cameroon

Improving Vegetable Production In South West Region Cameroon

ABCARD represented by the Chief Executive Officer took part in a workshop titled: Improving Vegetable Production in South West Cameroon. The workshop organised by the Agricultural Research Institute for Development (IRAD) took place on the 26th June 2024 at the conference hall of Regional Delegation of the Ministry of Scientific Research and Innovation (MINRESI) South West was to train farmers and people from other profession on Bioagrochemicals, L3F, ICT/ ODL, LINDEP Model as required by the Commonwealth of Learning, the sponsor of this project.
The training workshop focused on:

  • Importance of vegetables
  • Simple ways to make and use organic fertilizer/pesticides
  • Better ways of using pesticides
  • Effects of pesticides on human health and the environment
  • Pesticides safety measures
  • Alternatives to synthetic pesticides
    ABCARD will transmit the knowledge acquired from this workshop by organising similar workshops with target farmers in her area of operation to improve the production and consumption of organic vegetables.
    We thank Dr (Mrs) Njukeng Jetro Nkengafac, Chief Research and Innovation Scientist IRAD Cameroon, and Chief of Center IRAD Ekona, Dr Nambangia Justin Okolle, Senior Research and Innovation Scientist, IRAD Cameroon, Project Coordinator and Chief of Station, IRAD Kang Barombi Kumba for the invite and for impacting us on how to boost the production of vegetable “The Green Gold”

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